Some notes/resources I am using for the upcoming 70-532 exam... Share or use at your own risk :) Remember to check back frequently on the exam website to make sure it is current for you. Note that currently, this blog-post is a works-in-progress... 1. Design and Implement Azure Compute, Web, and Mobile Services (35-40%) 1.1 Design Azure App Service Web Apps 1.1.1 Define and manage App Service plans; Notes: Free, Shared: 60/240 CPU minutes/day quota, 1 GB storage Basic: Custom Domain, Up to 3 instances, 10 GB Storage Standard: Custom Domain + SSL, Up to 10 instances, 50 GB storage, 5 slots, traffic manager Premium: Includes IP SSL, Up to 20 instances, 250 GB storage, 20 slots PremiumV2: Double memory, SSD HD Isolated: Single Tenant, VNet, Up to 100 instances 99.95% SLA Resources: Azure App Service plan overview 1.1.2 configure Web Apps settings, certificates, and custom domains; Notes: Settings that are swapped: General settings - such as framework vers...
Thoughts on Software Engineering
Thoughts on Software Engineering practices on the Cloud/Azure, Microservice Architecture and iOS/Andriod Apps development!